Disturbing the Pizza: A Newfound Lake Cozy Mystery by Virginia K. Bennett

Disturbing the Pizza: A Newfound Lake Cozy Mystery by Virginia K. Bennett

Author:Virginia K. Bennett [Bennett, Virginia K.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-02-14T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 7

The Server

“I would like to order a small mushroom pizza and a small, dry, Greek salad with added Kalamata olives, please.”

Rebecca stood at the walk-up counter at Newfound House of Pizza, placing a lunch order for herself and Mary. She peered around, looking for a waitress to interrupt with the hopes her name was Leslie.

“That will be about fifteen minutes,” the clerk behind the counter announced.

“Sounds good.” Rebecca passed her credit card over then remembered something. “Can I add an order of fried pickles too, please?” The cashier nodded, tapped on the screen and adjusted the bill. Once the transaction was complete, Rebecca hovered around the door she had just entered through at the front of the business. This position allowed her to see up a long hallway, into the kitchen area and into the dining room.

A waitress she recognized from Santa’s Village was working, so she knew that wasn’t Leslie. When the next woman came walking down the hall between the kitchen and the dining room, Rebecca asked, “Is your name Leslie, by any chance?”

“No. Leslie is over there.” She pointed into the dining room at a waiter who stood at least six feet tall.

“Maybe I misunderstood, but I’m looking for Leslie.”

This waitress clearly had things to do other than answer Rebecca a second time, but she did. “The waiter standing across the dining room is the only Leslie working here.” She took off before Rebecca could ask a third time.

Well, that was unexpected and changed a lot of things in Rebecca’s mind. For one, she had practically discounted Leslie because of the revelation about Jonah not ripping off the bag, thinking they might not be able to overpower Jonah and hold the bag secure at the same time. The man standing across the room from her was certainly big enough to be able to do just that.

When he walked toward the back of the dining room and not toward her, she hustled down the length of the hallway to meet him. “Hey, Leslie?”

“Yes. How can I help you?” He was polite and seemed gentle.

“I’m friends with Mitch, and he told me about what happened up at Tattered Mountain. I’m really sorry about how that all went down.”

The face and haircut screamed former military, but the eyes told her that Leslie was a kind man. “Why were you talking to Mitch about me getting fired up there? Do we know each other?”

“Ummm.” Rebecca wanted to be productive without being too creepy, so she needed a reason to approach him. “I work at the library, and we have activities for kids sometimes. When Mitch told me one of the reasons you were fired had something to do with being a single parent, I wanted to reach out to let you know we are a resource in the community. I know it’s not babysitting, but sometimes a free activity just to get you out of the house or distract for an hour can be a huge help.”

“That was very kind of you.


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